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A Lutheran School

Lutheran schools have been a part of Australia’s educational landscape since 1839 and now extend into every state and territory of Australia except the ACT.

Today more than 35,000 students receive their education in 85 Lutheran schools throughout Australia. They are located in every state and territory apart from the ACT. In addition, it is estimated that 3,600 children are educated and cared for in around forty Lutheran early childhood centres around the nation.

Lutheran schools have experienced significant growth which has led to system support at regional and national levels. Lutheran schools are schools of the Lutheran Church of Australia and as such, are based on the central message of the gospel, that our acceptance by God does not depend on our own worth or achievements, but on His unconditional commitment of love for us, evidence through the life, death and resurrection of Jesus. The promotion of Christian growth and development in our students is a reflection on what Jesus has done for us.

Lutheran schools offer quality teaching and learning experiences for each child to reflect their individual uniqueness. Lutheran schools are communities where caring and respectful relationships are developed. These strong relationships form the binding element that allows Good Shepherd College to actively share its ethos and values. As a learning community, Good Shepherd proclaims hope for the future grounded in the Lutheran tradition.

We celebrate the word of God through:

  • Daily devotions and weekly chapel services
  • Christian Studies teaching and learning curriculum
  • Pastoral Care activities and service learning programs

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