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Senior Campus

The need for increasing independence and more sophisticated research skills is recognised in the Senior Campus curriculum. Senior students are encouraged to adopt an approach to their studies which is self-directed and where each student takes greater responsibility for their academic progress.

Our contemporary learning approach equips all students with the life long learning skills they will need for the future that awaits them. Our teaching & learning philosophy incorporates a Human Centred Design model from international renowned DSchool - from Standford University. With project based inquiry at our core, students are active problem solvers for real world problems, connect with industry experts.

At a senior level, Good Shepherd offers a personalised learning approach. Students can study a selection of subjects in a mixture of face to face and online options as a part of our blended learning preparation program for tertiary studies.

In addition, our VCE Vocational major program allows students to elect from a number of vocational education and training (VET) training in many areas including Hospitality, Automotive, Engineering, Equine Studies, Information Technology, and others.

Students can access School Based Part-time Apprenticeships in the twelve designated areas.

Students also participate in Christian Studies and facilitated study lessons.

Success in life is so much more than just a result at the end of Year 12. Our Senior Campus has developedĀ a truly holistic place of learning where our staff, parents and students work together so students have every opportunity to achieve their personal best in every area and the confidence to move forward.