Message from the Principal
In the words of our local Gunditjmara people, Ngatanwarr. Welcome to our village.
The age-old African proverb “It takes a village to raise a child” sits at the core of who we are at Good Shepherd College. The heart of our school is the essence of community – a place where children can feel they belong, matter, make a difference, be fulfilled, serve, and grow with the notion that the village is there, walking alongside them. The world is growing and changing at a pace that often seems impossible to keep up with. Our village is a community for our children, parents, families and friends to be connected and feel supported in our collective goal – to support students to be ready and prepared for the world that awaits them.
Our mission is to be a place of faith and learning. Our people matter to our village. Our village is here to nurture and support each individual’s God given talents and to develop discerning, principled people who flourish in community and life. We aim to create a culture of thinking, risk taking, imagination and reflection. We believe it is important that all members of our village develop a habit and love of learning, which supports growth and development across all dimensions.
We are fortunate enough to provide two distinct campuses for our village to explore. Each campus has been intentionally designed for the developmental stages of the students that attend. Coupled with this, our learning programs are centred on the personalised journey for each student in our village. With boutique class sizes, a variety of curriculum pathways (including the only Agriculture Centre in Hamilton) and many extra-curricular offerings, Good Shepherd is a school of choice for the greater Hamilton region and beyond.
I invite you to pop in and say hi. Come and have a look around our beautiful campuses, including our amazing agricultural centre. See our village in action. We look forward to welcoming you to our village.
Melissa Evans, College Principal